Before the party started, Molly222, Agent2310, Slider94, Hedgehog14, Mryomma, me and a huge group of other CPN fans where sitting at the plaza waiting for Kyo100 to arrive. Once everyone relized he wasn't coming any time soon, we threw our own party for Kyo, even though he never showed up!

After that we went to the Ice Burg and partied there. People kept yelling "Add me Frosty" and "Your all orange!" to me, which got annoying after a while! (No wonder Mimo777 doesn't answer everyone's questions!) Since Polar Amigo wasn't getting any credit, Myromma thought of this idea that would help him and convinced a few other penguins to yell "POLAR AMIGO ROCKS!" which made people believe he was famous.

Towards the end Cena12121 showed up, and got as he says "Fan Attacked" by the members of the party! People kept asking to add him and to send them a postcard. I don't think he really added anyone...
Below is the list of penguins you may know who showed up.
Cena12121 (Showed up late)
Hedgehog 14
Polar Amigo
Penny Mickey
Da Gamer (He was late)
I think this blog might start having parties...
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
it was soo much funn and kyo im soo srry u couldnt come
HEdgehog 14 CPN MOD
that party was wikid,but sorry frosty for not staying there the whole time lol becasue for me n z it was 12:am in the morning! if it was earlier it would be better lol :)
saavy (CPN Mod)
o yea and congrats to................
Hedgehog 14 for becoming a BASEBALL MOD!
Zxz192 for becoming a MOD!
Da Gamer for becoming a MOD!
Mr.Acd for becomnig a MOD!
And Finally Musicbub for becomnig a MOD!
well done guys u have worked very hard to becoming CPN Mods :D
saavy (CPN Mod)
No problem in leaving early. At least all the Bunnies could finally talk about their plans!
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
I would have loved to have been there! Looked so much fun!
Happy late birthday Kyo100!!!
Musicbubb (CPN Mod)
lol thx saavy, and i hope the stuff slider told you showed up!
omg ppl there is a possble new member of the Neighborhood looK!
it all like blue and ??????? at the botom!
hey did anyone ever hear back from kyo?
Hedgehog 14~CPN Mod
look closely
OMG that was like the bestest party EVERRR. even tho kyo didnt come,, heheeee
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