Zxz192, the Beastly Bunnies new team captain did a great job in rounding up players. He gather up about ten people from the Club Penguin Gang Army, which he is one of the leaders in. The army recruits new exactly who to go after and played the game fair and strong. They were the biggest reason the Bunnies won.

The under appreciated Purple Puffles did their worst in this challenge. They only had one recruit who wasn't part of the team, and they're chance at victory seemed impossible. Bruen5 didn't show up, Bob61732 had no instrument and Gapboy999 was too young to understand the challenge. Molly had made an entire plan to defeat the Bunnies, but since Bruen5 didn't show up it didn't work.

Up above is the plan map forthe Puffles. Molly came up with three plans, and ones that actually could have worked if Bruen5 had shown up. Her first plan was for Bob to lur in the huge crowd of Bunnies to go underground, and Bruen5, Gapboy999 and herself would wait in the Mine and take out each one by one. If or when the Bunnies figured out that plan, they would only fight on top floors of rooms, which also involved Bob lurring penguins in.

Up above is the plan map forthe Puffles. Molly came up with three plans, and ones that actually could have worked if Bruen5 had shown up. Her first plan was for Bob to lur in the huge crowd of Bunnies to go underground, and Bruen5, Gapboy999 and herself would wait in the Mine and take out each one by one. If or when the Bunnies figured out that plan, they would only fight on top floors of rooms, which also involved Bob lurring penguins in.

With the help of Saavy, Zxz192 started a party at his igloo. All of the Bunnies and Puffles showed up, and things seemed to be a lot of fun.
Purple Puffles, its time to vote. Who do you want to evict from Neighborhood Survival for good? Will it be Molly for being a bad team captian? Bob for not having an instrument? Bruen5 for not showing up at the meeting or the challenge? Or Gapboy for being too young to understand anything.
Chose wisely!
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
Wow, voting off someone gets harder every time. I've made friends with everyone on my team and unlike the Bunnies who hate me, they respect me and know what I'm like. It KILLS me to say this but I vote off... Sigh... Bruen5... Bruen you and me have grown to be such great friends. Thanks to CPN, we were able to meet each other. I still hope we can stay good friends after NS...
Agnt, why you on the other team? i fought you were my best freind!i mad at you agnt!
i vote off bruen
sorry gapboy (hehe) I'll be on your team next time. I didn't know that you had a disadvantage! Good game anyways!
bob dude im ur friend:D
lol agent how kind!
everyone dont forget to vote for the new peng color at the forest!
Hedgehog 14~CPN Mod
lol i finally figured out tht i had 2 put my name at the bottom of a comment
Hedgehog 14~CPN mod
FROSTY FROSTYYYYY im going on vacation lol! i havent been on vacation in 3 years! wooot im going somewhere!
Im leaving tuesday and coming Back Sunday so please keep me from evictioin! IM sooo excited!
OMG IM SOO EXCITED i just found out today!
lol whn do we find out the new cpn team memba?
Hedgehog 14~CPN Mod
frosty can u put my banner on your site? I promise it should work now. go to www.zxz192.wordpress.com
hi frosty, can u give me a hint on how i can become a higher rank on the mod list because u said its more than just answering questions lol :)
saavy (CPN Mod)
ell Saavy you and Hedgehog have been working really hard to get your rank up. And since you did thank someone (I forget who) a few days ago I've highered it for you. ;)
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
Oh and just to remind everyone, Musicbub and Mr. Acd got removed from the mod list, Da Gamer got moved down, Saavy and Hedgehog moved up and Zxz remains the same.
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
OMG awesome congratz saavy! srry mr.acd and musicbubb.. and i still wanna kno the new author of this blog lol!
Hedgehog 14~CPN Mod
booooooooooooooooo blog
i vote gapboy999
i vote off gapboy999
:O Poor Gapboy! Sorry man! Cool! Congrats bunnies! Zxz to answer your question you have to post as many comments as you can or answer other people's questions that I am doing right now!
-Dagamer CPN mod
aaah poor gapboy im soo sorry!
Wait, isn't it a tie between Gapboy and Bruen?
Penny Mickey said...
Wait, isn't it a tie between Gapboy and Bruen?
Yes there is a tie beween Gapboy999 and Bruen 5. Frosty will tell us how the latest evicted penguin will be decided.
yep all the cpn fans get 2 decide gapboy or bruen............. who will they vote?
Hedgehog 14~CPN mod
I VOTE.................. Sorry, but I vote Gapboy I think it is best for the team
-The Maggums
Bruen doesn't show up for all the events it really makes it hard on the team,Something is better than nothing. He really has the rope of the things too
uhh frosty told me 2 vote to break a tie so im gonna vote...... uhhh...... let me think !
Hedgehog 14~CPN mod
wow everytime someone leaves i fell sad :(
-The Maggums
ok i vote gapboy srry dude ur jsut a bit too young:(
Hedgehog 14 ~CPN MOD
I'm votig off GApboy, It's what he wants and if he's voting himself off it's what' right i Voe off my Bff
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