The last shut off... The curtains unrolled... The giant TV turned on... It was time for the fifth episode of the Talk Show, and nobody knew what was next...
The TV turned on, and bubbling water appeared. The water started to bubble rougher and grew higher as the scary music played. It turned an orange like colors and bursted out from underneath the ground, revealed Frostylittle walked out from this giant, orange gusher. He took a step forward, stopped in a calm way, flipped his hair and winked at the camera. The audience laughed and applaud their favorite Talk Show host.
The music than turned from dramatic and creepy to calm and relaxing, and the name "Da gamer" flew across the screen in bright red letters. The screen revealed him lying in his tight room, with hundreds of video game screens around him. Each screen had the word "Game Complete" in it, which made Da Gamer even more bored looking. He had beat every video game there ever was, and it seemed his life was miserably complete.
Creepy Voice: This summer...
The voice sounded old and scratchy.
Creepy Voice: From the network that brought you the last four episodes of the Talk Show, they bring one more to the table...
Zxz192 grabs the popcorn from Saavy, and they both appeared wide-eyed.
Creepy Voice: Da Gamer will finally meet his match... Frostylittle will learn a new hair flip...
The screen starts to show a chase scene from the git movie Scream, and the music starts to get more epic.
Creepy Voice: When these two people meet, we have made a new Logan for it... A Logan so under used, nobody will see it coming...
Sebastian7 and Himskater both look at each other and gasped.
Creepy Voice: We like to call it...
Frostylittle runs threw the audience and hops on the stage.
Frostylittle: The fifth episode of The Talk Show!
The lights turn on and everyone claps in reveal for the orange host. Frostylittle takes a seat in his purple chair, and sips a cup of Coffee.
Frostylittle: WHATS UP PENGUINS!!!!!!! I'm Frostylittle, your attractive host and President of Club Penguin Neighborhood!
A few of the girls in the audience giggle.
Frostylittle: Today lets welcome in a very... Game obsessed special guest. This dude owns a PSP, a Wii, PS1, PS2, PS3, Nintendo DS, a Gameboy, X Box360 and all of those other games I do not own! Please welcome in, the fifth evicted from Neighborhood Survival... DA GAMER!!!!!!!
Da Gamer slowly walks out onto the stage playing his PSP, than tosses it out into the audience. It hits Bob on his head, and causes his unconsciousness. He waves and frowns as he takes a seat in the Seat if Shame.
Frostylittle: Hello Da Gamer other wise known as Matt James! Whats up?
Da Gamer points to the cealing.
Da Gamer: The sky! Ha ha!
Slider, Incredible and Gapboy laugh but everyone else remains silent.
Frostylittle: Ya... Funny... Lets begin!
Da Gamer knods in agreement. Frostylittle pulls out a sheet and reads the first question off of it.
Frostylittle: My first question for you is... What was the worst thing that happened to you in Neighborhood Survival?
Da Gamer lookes over to Bob, who is holding an icepack on his head.
Da Gamer: Getting voted off by... Noobs! Cough cough... Bob... AHEM!
Bob stands up and tosses his ice pack on the ground.
Bob61732: I HEARD THAT!
Da Gamer rolls his eyes.
Frostylittle: What was the best thing that happened to you?
Da Gamer thinks for a moment and answers.
Da Gamer: My Birthday Party on CP, all of my best friends came. Good times...
Frostylittle smirks.
Frostylittle: True that! Who were your closest friends in Neighborhood Survival?
Da Gamer pulls out a picture of Slider, Hedgehog and him all posing in an NS photo shoot.
Da Gamer: Slider94 and Hedgehog. They have always been there for me, and are my closest friends. Go win NS for me guys!
Molly is seen hiding the water in her eyes.
Frostylittle: Ok! Who were your biggest enemies?
Da Gamer grins.
Da Gamer: Bob or whatever that stupid noob is! I HATE HIM!
Frostylittle pushes his chair back a little.
Frostylittle: Hey dude, can you please say something besides noob? Its getting a little old!
Da Gamer smirks.
Da Gamer: Fine, hes a loser!
Bruen5, Molly222, Gapboy and Bob all gasp at their ex-teamate's comment.
Frostylittle: If you could chose which team you could be on, would you stick with the Puffles? Why or why not?
Da Gamer thinks for a moment.
Da Gamer: Hmm... Well if I chose the Bunnies I would be the first voted off. Its true, I know it. But since I got betrayed by the so called kind Molly222 when she said this "Da Gamer, your a worst team player than Polar Amigo!" Yup thats what she said to me! HARSH! Thats why I would have chose the Bunnies, because Molly just ticked me off so badly!
Frostylittle smirks.
Frostylittle: But the main reason you got voted off was because of your lack of Purple Puffle team spirit. To be honest, I saw it coming.
Da Gamer shrugged.
Frostylittle: Who do you think is the best player in Neighborhood Survival right now?
Da Gamer points to Saavy, Slider and Zxz192.
Da Gamer: I'm gonna have to say Slider, Zxz or Saavy. They all rock.
Zxz and Saavy exchange a high five.
Frostylittle: Who do you think is getting the boot next?
Da Gamer smiles.
Da Gamer: Outtacntrll. Even though he thinks that Slider was found first and deserves to go, I don't agree with him. He room hoped and in my book, thats cheating!
Frostylittle leans back in his chair.
Frostylittle: Yah but I call the shots and in my book, thats fair!
Outtacntrll smiles in the audience.
Da Gamer: Whatever...
Frostylittle hops off his chair.
Frostylittle: OK! Its time for yet another new feature of the Talk Show I like to call "RANDOM Questions!" In this special feature, four lucky audience members will come to the stage and ask Da Gamer here, a random question! Understand?
Da Gamer nods.
Da Gamer nods.
Frostylittle: Himskater! Your the first up!
Himskater walks out onto the stage laughing and waving.
Da Gamer: Hi Himskater.
Himskater gives Frosty and Da Gamer a high five.
Himskater: Hey guys. I'm so siked to be here. I love this show!
Frostylittle hands the microphone to Himskater.
Frostylittle: Who doesn't! So whats your question for Da Gamer?
Himskater thinks for a moment than asks...
Himskater: How many times on Halloween have you gave your mom a lemon?
Da Gamer laughs at his question.
Da Gamer: Aaah... Twenty Times! Just kidding!
Himskater smiles.
Himskater smiles.
Frostylittle: Next up is Slider! Get up here dude!
Slider runs onto the stage and smiles.
Slider runs onto the stage and smiles.
Slider94: My question is how many times do you blink a day?
Da Gamer smirks.
Da Gamer: Probably around 100,000 times! Ha ha!
Slider laughs.
Slider laughs.
Frosylittle: Alright by Slider! Next up is... Bob... This is gonna be good!
Bob slowly walks up onto the stage.
Bob61732: Hi Frosty!
Bob gives Da Gamer a dirty look.
Frostylittle: Whats your question Bob? We're running out of time!
Bob looks over to Da Gamer.
Bob looks over to Da Gamer.
Bob61732: Da Gamer, why are you so dang ugly? Haven't you ever heard of a face removal?
Da Gamer grins with anger.
Da Gamer: I have three answers. First of all, thats what SHE said! Secondly you just want my good looks don't you Bob!?!?!
Frostylittle and Bob both start laughing.
Da Gamer: SSH! I'm not done yet! Why are you saying I'm ugly? Your the naked penguin!
Da Gamer points at him and laughs.
Bob61732: Well, maybe you should take this card.
Bob tosses Da Gamer a card as he walks off stage. The card says "Dr. Kearns, Face Removel Service. Call us Now!"
Frostylittle: The last one up is my little bro, Gapboy999!
A few of the audience members scream for Gapboy as he walks up on stage.
A few of the audience members scream for Gapboy as he walks up on stage.
Gapboy999: The Gamer, my question is...
Da Gamer stops him.
Da Gamer: Its Da Gamer, not The Gamer!
Gapboy rolls his eyes.
Gapboy999: Do zebras rellay smell funny?
Da Gamer smiles.
Da Gamer: Why don't you go smell one for yourself. That should answer your question!
Gapboy waves and walks off stage.
Frostylittle: Well, thats the end of our show! Tune in next week for...
Da Gamer interupts him.
Da Gamer: Wait I just want to describe hw I feel about some people in Neighborhood Survival. Is that ok?
Frostylittle sighs.
Frostylittle sighs.
Frostylittle: Fine but if my Coffee gets cold, your buying me another one!
Da Gamer knods.
Da Gamer: Ok I well. This is what I think of everyone: Saavy is an awesome CPG Mod.
Saavy gives him a thumbs up.
Da Gamer: Zxz is doing great at Neighborhood Survival. Slider94 is cool! Outtacntrll is good at NS challenges.
Outta, Slider and Zxz smile.
Da Gamer: Frostylittle, your awesome!
Frosty blushes.
Frosty blushes.
Frostylittle: I know! ;]
The audience laughs.
Da Gamer: Molly222 is nice, but not to me... Gapboy999 just loves pokemon! Bruen5 always has his friends backs. Hedgehog is a great friend and... Bob, is just stupid!
Bob rolls his eyes.
Bob rolls his eyes.
Frostylittle: Alrighty than! Tune in next time for another episode of...
Frosty points to the audience.
The Audience: THE TALK SHOW!!! WOOT! WOOT!
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
tht an awesome talk show srry i couldnt come
U ME AND SLIDER meet up plz today!!!! GO IF U CAN MAKE IT AND TELL Z!
2:00 pst
snowy river
wow the bunnies rnt doing so good. if u just kept me and outta in u wouldve been better than u r now!
lil mock where did u get the idea that we arent doing that good???
this is my fave talk show.......... ok bunnies i can meet up with u all today, sorry for not coming yesterday because it was on a short noticee and my dad was hogging the computer so sorry for that, ok zxz i can go on the computer today (wednesday) at half 8 uk time, so is that ok with the bunnies? and u can tell me what server and room, because im going to play badminton today so ill be on cp at 12:30 PM CPTZ, hoep thats ok with all the bunnies :)
saavy (CPN Mod)
i got an idea, the bunnies we can meet up at the party that is 2day but i no its late but we will stay there for a while so ill see some of u soon :)
saavy (CPN Mod)
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