At first it seemed as if the Bunnies had no chance of winning. Molly was able to convince Cena to come to her party, who invited everyone on his chat to go. But at the very last minute, they were able to get about 25 more people to come to Zxz's igloo. Their total number of penguins at once was about 45 penguins.

Up above is the invitation for the party Saavy created. Both him and Zxz192 posted it on their blog, which helped a lot in rounding up the party guests. Slider94 also created his own advertisement, but he sadly took it off his blog before i could copy it.

Up above is the invitation for the party Saavy created. Both him and Zxz192 posted it on their blog, which helped a lot in rounding up the party guests. Slider94 also created his own advertisement, but he sadly took it off his blog before i could copy it.

The Purple Puffles party started out strong and ended weak. Unlike the Bunnies, they didn't focuse so much on advertising on their blogs but instead got people using the old fashion way, screaming party at Molly222's on the map. They even managed to get the famous Cena to party with them, and like usual a gang of penguins followed him into the party.

The Purple Puffles used only one invitation card, Molly222's advertisement. Da Gamer, Molly222 and Bruen5 all posted it on their blogs. Gapboy convinced people to go to the party by telling people in Cena's chat box. Bob61732 surprising did a very good job at this challenge, and left comments on people's blogs telling them to come.
The Purple Puffles will be sent to the Penguin Award Ceremony AGAIN. For this voting ceremony, try to look back at the entire week and not just the party. Chose your votes wisely! I'll be posting the Penguin Award Ceremony Sunday.
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. Sorry for not talking as much as I usually do in the chat box. I was very busy on CP running from party to party!
dude not kool my membership expires in 14 days! nooo! i must get it renewed!
I vote off matt james because he did not come to meetings and he sat there when iwas therehe did know what was going on.I did go somewhere but i showed up every thing the meeting and challlenge.
LOL! I went to the Bunnies party at the end, and they were all sad because they thought they lost. Sorry Bruen, I told you the puffles won in the chat box. Sorry!
Dude I didn't show up because I had to pick up a broken car! Guys! I didn't know! It was like hop in the car kinda suprise! So guys I made it to the challenge and advertised! Thats all that matters! And I advertised! I vote of Gapyboy999 for not so good advertising on his blog.
-Dagamer (cp name-Matt james)
You vote me off you won't do that well......
Trust me.... Big mistake Bruen for voting me off.
wow we all bunnies did a great job :) well done again guys XD
Ya, I'm going with Bruen this time. I vote off Da Gamer. People might be shocked that I'm voting him off, but I have a good reason. This morning on chat there was A LOT of people talking and stuff. When I logged in, Da Gamer was screaming at Bruen5 for voting him off! Arent we all a team!?! He started yelling at me because I stuck up for Bruen and said I don't do anything! If he got THAT angry cause one person voted him out, how in the world is he gonna handle Neighborhood Survival!!!???!!!
I wasnt even gonna vote him off!
Bob61732 aka da man
i vote off the gamer
Gapboy999's vote doesn't count because he spelled it wrong. Gapboy999 go down and type in this..
"I vote of ____" vote off anyone except ME! DONT SPELL DAGAMER IN THERE!
If I were in NS I would vote off Bob. Seriously, who is a better team mate Da Gamer or Bob? Think about it.
Fine I vote off DA GAMER!
guys dont vote off dagamer hes cool. i know im not in ns but i vote off bruen. 1. he hates polar amigo. POLAR AMIGO IS AWESOME! 2. He voted off Da Gamer? HELLO? he is awesome too! 3. ummm... i dont like that guy hes mean.
ya dont vote him off
dude dagamer is a good team player and some of you other penguins (2) in the purple puffles arent very good teammates sometimes
ooh no i hope u dont vote off dagamer... and dont vote off gapboy cause hes kool! nooo!
Well guys we have reasons. He's just not as helpful as he used to be. I don't care if he's our best player and all. He SHOULDN'T YELL AT HIS TEAMATES LIKE THAT! Juh if you were there that da you would have voted him off too!
frosty think bout wat i said,
Molly, whatever u do, DONT VOTE OFF DAGAMER! vote off bob!
Please guys! Gapboy I know I voted you off but I am changing it! Please! Bob was mean! Please Change your vote Gapboy! Don't vote off me! Please!!! Molly222 don't vote! I know you were gonna vote on me but don't! DON'T VOTE ME OFF! Bob said I was mean! He made it sound so rough! I was just saying bruen can you change your vote! I was faking most of it! Why do you guys vote me off! I have done so much! REMEMBER WHEN BOB WAS AT THE SOCCER GAME AND HE SAT AND DID NOTHING THERE! THAT CAN HAPPEN AGAIN! SO THINK ABOUT YOUR VOTE! PLEASE CHANGE YOURS GAPBOY! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!
I VOTE OF BOB!!!!!!!!! READ COMMENT ABOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i vote off bob OK GUYS!!
this is for the team frostylittle dont listen to the vote i said befour just listen to the one that says i vote bob off
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