Hi Penguins!
I know its very early but its time for season two of Neighborhood Survival cast sign ups! This time around, I'll need 16 different, interesting penguins that will make a good addition to cast number two. Well I can't reveal much about HS this early, I can tell you it will be much different from Neighborhood Survival. Hmm... Can you guess what kind of challenges will go on by just looking at the name? If you do want to sign up, just answer the one question below:
What category would you fit in best?
A. Popular
B. Athletic
C. An outcast
D. Smart
Please be honest about yourself and don't lie! You might get in some trouble with your future teamates if you lie about yourself! For this season to work, penguins from Neighborhood Survival can not sign up. But no worries guys, you'll all be invovled BIG TIME with HS!
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
I vote off... Bob61732. I didn't know who to vote out! My team seems to be split up now. Its me and Gapboy, Bruen and Bob and Da Gamer is all alone. Poor Guy, I feel bad.
i wana sign up frosty
i fit with B and Dso i can do both
u got yourself a deal Frostylittle by Kyo100
I'll join!
I'm Matthew722
I'm pretty much A and B, but mostly A. ;-)
i want to join!
im hazooma2
and a and b
I want to! I'm Leish7 and I'm mostly A and B
im b c and d and my name is flab147 ill join
can i join my name is khalil 2000 im mostly b and d
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