Hello Everyone!

I was able to get a picture with two of the best players, Matt James (Da Gamer) Molly222, and Bruen5. I've counted that Bruen5 and Matt James each scored about seven goals! Thats a lot!
Today on CP was the first team challenge, the Soccer Game! It was one big event! Saavy, Zxz192, Slider94, Outtacntrll, Hedgehog, Molly222, Bob61732, Gappboy999, Bruen5 and Matt James all showed up! Some special guests that showed up were Sebastian7, Mr. Acd, Himskater, (Thanks for helping!) Rockhoppergp aka Juh76t, the some what famous Cena12121(He's on my buddy list!) and a WHOLE bunch of other fans of CPN who I can think of right this second!

Throughout the game the score went up and down. At the beginning the Beastly Bunnies held the league, but than the Purple Puffles quickly took it. It was probably one of the most intense Club Penguin Soccer games EVER! Up above is a picture of everyone hanging out after the game.

I was able to get a picture with two of the best players, Matt James (Da Gamer) Molly222, and Bruen5. I've counted that Bruen5 and Matt James each scored about seven goals! Thats a lot!

Once everyone left, Hedgehog, Mr. Acd and myself sat down for one last picture. They both did a great job! It was one of the funnest things I ever did on Club Penguin!
So, now that you know who won, its time to vote off a NS member! Remember, only people on the Beastly Bunnies can vote, since they were the ones to lose. You can vote for ANYONE for ANY REASON! Chose your vote wisely! I'll be posting the Penguin Award Ceremony Sunday.
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
ivote off lil mock 11 cause he didnt show up for the wensday chat or the game.
I vote bob123456789 because he came but didnt do anything
Ok I knew the Purple Puffles were going to win! The only B.B. Members to show up to the team meeting on wednesday! The Purple Puffles had I think almost everyone! Good for them! They are an ACTUAL TEAM! Guys, work together and actually BE PART OF THE TEAM! Outta was the only responsible one and had an excuse not to come to the meeting! I vote off Lil Mock for NOT SHOWING TO THE GAME! Sorry but you need to go now!
Hey guys don't vote me off! I DIDN'T GO TO THE GAME BECAUSE I WENT TO MY BASEBALL GAME AND SIX FLAGS! I already told frostylittle! so plzz dont vote me off! And himskater was filling in for me so i was basicly there! I vote off...sorry but saavy.
Oh frosty informs me that i have to vote again because bob is safe. Ok so this is hard. Outtacntrll was there and did stuff so I cant vote him. Saavy is one of my best buddies so I cant vote him. Slider was there cheering and stuff so I cant vote him. Hedgehog was there and persuaded me to buy blue soccer jersey so I cant vote her. So that leaves lil mock. Ok so lil mock you say you couldnt go but theres nobody else to vote so it has to be you. Sorry dude...
So I vote off: Lil Mock 11
omg lil mock! you just need to calm down! you are not taking this well! that is NOT cool! now i dont think you deserv to be here! i was feeling bad for you but now i dont!
lil mock there is nobody else to vote off u should of came before ur game with time u had.I wish u would of came tho.sorry
Mr Acd
I understand why you couldn't come lil mock, but still calm down, this isn't life or death. It's only a game.
I was there too! LOL! I wish I joined this, it looks fun! But it's too late, lol :-P.
hey lil mock why did u say that? Were we supposed to keep u in just because u couldnt go? Everyone else turned up and yeah you could have come before the game with the time u had. Now people will have no trouble voting u off and wont lose any sleep over it
Well im loosing sleep right now!!!!
i couldnt have came before my game! i came from six flags to my game i didnt have any time!
I cant vote but beastly bunnys great game sorry that lil mock was not there.BUT polar amigo was not there to.AND bob did not one thing there. BY.BRUEN5
wow, im sorry but ill have to vote of lil mock because he did not turn up to the match, but he should have atleast tried to show up earlyer or u should have informed frosty earlyer that u could not make it, so i vote of lil mock... soz
my email is lilmock11@yahoo.com
dear Frostylittle,
Sorry i couldn't stay longer. Please check out what is happening at behind the penguin!
Lil mock does not deserve to leave. He had a reason to not show up to the game. And I understand that. This decision was pretty tough. I had to look back on older challenges. And I have decided, to vote off.......... Saavy.
im srry lil mock, i dont think anyone wants you to leave, its just that we dont know who else to vote off.
o dear, all im saying is u should have told frosty before not turning up. and on ur blog u sed u diddent no wat time it was and over here ur saying u went to a match? im confussedd
arrrrgh... ppl i am not good wit peer pressure... srry lil mock, but i dont think i am gonna change my vote. I dont want you to leave ns, but like i said b4, i dont know anyone else to vote off. Eveyone else came and showed up...srry!
hmm i think the next task is a snow ball fight?
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