Its time for the third Penguin Award Ceremony of the season! In front of me are six, Beastly Bunny teammates who are anxiously waiting to earn a gold, sparkling Penguin Award, which will prove their safety. Like always the votes have been casted and one of you Bunnies will be walking down the Loser Lane, and will hop a ride on our new Lame Limo. Saavy, Hedgehog, Slider94, Outtacntrll, Lil Mock and Zxz192, one of you will be leaving Neighborhood Survival FOREVER! That means you can NEVER EVER return to this eviction competition. So the first Penguin Award of the night goes to...

Slider94... Catch dude!
This one is for Zxz192, and this one is for Hedgehog! This one goes to Outtacntrll.
Now, there are still two, Award hungry penguins in front of me. Lil Mock, you didn't show up for the team meeting OR even the Soccer Game! Saavy, you didn't do as well as you think last Thursday night, and it might of costed you the game. One of you guys gathered up a single vote, and the other gathered up five. The last Penguin Award of the night goes to...
Lil Mock grins. Saavy starts to rock back and fourth.
The Award shines in the sunlight.
Saavy, here is your award!
Frosty tossed him the last award of the day.

The tough, the strong, the top five placer Lil Mock is shockling the third evicted from Neighborhood Survival. This goes to show how important it is to be a team player and to show up at challenges! Like Snowbuddy555 and Uncle Sonic, he will be walking down the Lame Lane, and catch a ride on the Loser Limo! We'll be seeing him in my very on Talk Show this Wensday, so be sure to to say hi!
Poor Guy...
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. What do you think of my new music? Like it?
I knew betrayal would happen
ya know i will be back im a strong player!
i dont believe there was any "betrayal" in the competition lil mock...
uhh i like making things dramatic i guess.
phew!, soz lil mock again, that was very close! and yes next time im gonna try very hard on the next challenge! :)
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