Friday, July 15, 2011

No More Burgers For You!

*Thanks Sand Flipper for the neat sketch!*

What a fantastic week!

My Entourage and I had a blast digging through the Penguin Pictures of challenge 3. Almost all of the entries submitted got a juicy A+ when it comes to creativity! As always there were some clear winners and some clear "not winners", but the ultimate loser has been decided by the entire cast... Dun dun dun! Anyone who survives this week is going to be joining a team and participating in live Neighborhood Survival challenges!

"There are a lot of nice people living on this site... I really wish I could come online more often. I feel accepted here, which is a strange feeling..."

•Polar Amigo: Polar Amigo has been teased his entire life for being a little bit different then everyone else. He has a reputation of being a lazy couch potato, but some claim he has the ability to eat 10 burgers in 1 bite! Can Polar Amigo pull through and prove his true strength in the game of Neighborhood Survival?

Mr. Polar Amigo is evicted from Neighborhood Survival! This burger eating champion buried his own grave when he decided to throw the challenge. Our Chilly Friend accused penguins of working together in a gigantic alliance called the "Inner Circle"! Polar Amigo will never get the chance to show off his "Jingle Outfit" in a live challenge... Aw!

Any last words for poor Polar Amigo?

~Frostylittle, President of Club Penguin Neighborhood


Anonymous said...

Aw poor Polar. Sorrryyy.

Anonymous said...

It's too bad you got voted out... Reading your message over and over again I realized it was a bit different than the way I thought you worded it. The game show won't be the same without you.

Wii Wii Wii1 said...

Polar your inner circle theory was right to me that's why I thought about it and voted a threat, Molly.


Timereaper0100 said...

Aww, Bye Polar! Please watch the live streams of the live challenges! :D

Anonymous said...

Like always,

I don't just go down,

I go down in style...

It's the memories that count...

~Polar Amigo

Anonymous said...



~Polar Amigo

Club Penguin Is the Best!

Without Club Penguin this Club Penguin Game Show would not exist. Thank-you Lane Merrifield, Lance Priebe and David Kyrsko for creating Club Penguin!
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