
Light Blue turned to Aqua... Red stayed the same... The audience grew angry when the packages of Aqua paint were tossed to them, even if it was a special treat...
All of the spot lights shut off but one large, orange glowing one. Frostylittle walked onto the stage, following the foot steps of the orange light, and smirked at the audience. The audience stood to their feet, clapping and screaming for Frosty high five them. Frost high fived a few of the front row members, and took a seat on his purple chair.
Frostylittle: HEEEELLLLLLOOOO lucky fans of Neighborhood Survival! I'm Frostylittle, the host of TS and the President of CPN, but you already knew that!
Snowbuddy555 giggles while starring at Frosty's hair with pink cheeks.
Frostylittle: Today we having a very, warm hearted guest. A guest that would rather help the poor than being be on this Talk Show. Please welcome in Slider94!
Hedgehog 14, Penny and Zxz192 cheer on their friend as he walks to the Seat of Shame.
Slider94: Hi Frosty, I'm pretty excited to be here!
Frosty grins at his happy comment.
Frostylittle: Ya, hi Slider... Whats up?
Slider shrugs.
Slider94: Um, the Talk Show of course!
Hedgehog and Penny start to laugh, but everyone but Slider stairs at the two blankly.
Frostylittle: Well DUH! You ready for some deep questions?
Slider nods.
Slider94: I guess so.
Slider gets a little nervous at Frosty's critical attitude.
Frostylittle: Ok than! Whats it like to be sitting in that Seat of Shame?
Slider thinks for a momment than answers.
Slider94: I'm sad to leave NS, but...
Hedgehog 14 starts to break out into tears.
Frostylittle: AHEM!
Bob tosses a football at hedgehog which makes her faint.
Frostylittle: Thanks Bob, ok Slider go on.
Bob gives a thumbs up to Frosty.
Slider94: I'm glad that none of my friends got voted off.
Frosty rolls his eyes well a few members of the audience say "Aw"
Frostylittle: Who were your best friends in Neighborhood Survival?
Slider points to the out cold Hedgehog and Zxz.
Slider94: Zxz192 and Hedgehog 14! Wohoo, go Bunnies! Yay...
Frosty starts to crack up.
Frostylittle: Ya keep working on that charisma!
Slider's eyes get a little wide~eyed.
Frostylittle: Dude, it was only a joke. What do you think of the dull Bob61732?
Slider tries to make his answer as nice as possible.
Slider94: Well hes sneaky, but I don't have much against the guy...
Zxz gets out of his seat.
Zxz192: HES NAKED!
Slider nods.
Frostylittle: What was your worst experience on Neighborhood Survival?
Slider smiles.
Slider94: Well getting voted off of course!
Hedgehog wakes up from her ten minute sleep.
Hedgehog 14: HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO GO!!!
Hedgehog throws a piece of hard popcorn at Frosty's hair. Frosty catches it, crumbles it into pieces and calls security on the over excited penguin.
Frostylittle: Who are the best competitors in Neighborhood Survival?
Slider shows some sadness about being voted off.
Slider94: Molly222, Zxz and Hedgehog 14! If I haven't got voted off, that could have meant that Zxz192 or Hedgehog 14 could have been evicted, which isn't so good for me!
Frosty starts to yawn.
Frostylittle: Well thats nice, once again... What would you call the best challenge in Neighborhood Survival?
Slider94 starts to think.
Slider94: Well dodgeball was fun... The Battle of the Bands was good to... I like them all, but the team matches were best!
Frosty shrugs.
Frostylittle: Sorry dude but since your evicted, you haven't been to every challenge!
Slider gets a little depressed.
Frostylittle: Who do you want to see leave this week, Molly Bruen5 or Bob?
Zxz192 and Agent start chanting Bob, and Snowbuddy screams "NOT MOLLY!"
Slider94: Sorry but Bob...
Bob gets a little red.
Frostylittle: Who do you think will be the final two?
Slide sighs.
Slider94: I want Hedgehog 14 and Zxz192 to be in it, but I guess Molly probably will be in it.
For the first time ever, a rush of anger filled Molly up.
Bob61732: Hey, at least shes still in Neighborhood Survival YOU SOAR LOSER!
Slider gets a little quite.
Frostylittle: We'll be right back after this commercial break!
Frosty is seen shirtless calmly standing on a diving board looking down at the large pool. He dives into an average sized splash and pulls his head above the water. In slow motion, he does one of his famous hair flips, winks at the camera and pulls out a bottle of hair jell.
VOICE: Hair jell X... The jell everyone wants...
A star flies across the TV screen with the words "CP's Got Talent!"
Deep Voice: Coming up next is the fifth episode of the hit series CP'S Got Talent! In this special episode Polar Amigo will do the inpossible by farting Beethoven's Fourth and Burping the Alphabet! Stay tuned!
The Talk Show appears back on the screen.
Frostylittle: Welcome back to the Talk Show! Its time for a new feature I like to call "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF SLIDER!" I'm going to ask three lucky members of the audience what they think of Slider! First up is.... ZXZ192!
Zxz192 stands up in astonishment and jogs up to the stage.
Zxz192: I'M ON TV! Hi mom!
Zxz waves to the camera.
Frostylittle: I'm over here!
Zxz turns to Frosty.
Zxz192: Oh, right.
Molly and Penny start to laugh.
Frostylittle: What do you think of Slider94?
Zxz192 pulls out a notecard out of his pocket and reads from it.
Zxz192: Hes awesome! He doesn't get angry when you vote, and hes so cool!
Frostylittle smirks.
Frostylittle: Not as cool as me!
Zxz and Frosty exchange a high five.
Zxz192: True that!
Zxz runs off the stage waving to the camera.
Frostylittle: Next up is Penny Mickey!
Penny runs onto the stage and hugs Slider and Frosty.
Frostylittle: Whats your opinon on this guy?
Penny giggles.
Penny Mickey: Well hes SUPER nice and hes always helping out his friends!
Frosty rolls his eyes.
Frostylittle: Does anyone have anything negative about Slider!?!?!
Bob gets out of his seat.
Bob61732: I DO!
Bob walks up to the stage, grins at Slider out of the way and sits next to Frosty.
Frostylittle: Um, hi?
Bob gives a high five to Frosty and stairs blankly at Slider.
Bob61732: You know what? I HATE SLIDER94!!! Everyone thinks hes so nice and loving and sweet and kind and loveable! But hes not likeable! THE GUY IS SO FULL OF HIMSELF AND THINKS HES LIKE A GOD!
Frosty smirks.
Frostylittle: Finally some good drama!
Slider tries to shake hands with Bob but Bob turns away.
Slider94: Well I don't hate you Bob!
Bob gets up, and almost jumps onto Slider but the security guards start to hold him back.
Frostylittle moves he camera over to his face.
Frostylittle: Tune in next for a way more dramatic episode of...
The audience stands up.
Audience: THE TALK SHOW!!! YAY!
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. Ok Puffles, you have to vote off someone starting today. I'll be posting the Penguin Award Ceremony Sunday!
heya spudling ere jus wanna no wat im copyin
well i dont think of myself as a god i think of myself as nice and friendly! but oh well! oh and frosty you left out what hedgehog said and you messed up when you said
Slider94: Molly222, Zxz and Hedgehog 14! If I haven't got voted off, that could have meant that Zxz192 or Slider could have been evicted, which isn't so good for me
you said ZXZ or SLIDER it should be Zxz oR HEDGEHOG!
-Slider94, CPC President
frosty your acting like you dont like slider! yawning and rolling your eyes and saying your cooler (btw zxz you never said that in the Talk Show) You added alot of thing oh the ads are funny lol
lol i agree wit anomyous
Hedgehog 14~CPN MOd
check it out rite click disabled!
rofl rofl rofl this is kool i could play wit the rite cliker all day:D but i wont lol igot betta stuffs 2 do wit mai time
Yeah I agree with anonymous and Hedge. It's kinda rude to do that. Would you want someone always pretending not to care about you? And it is not an act. Slider is just naturally nice. I'm just saying.
Dear Mystery,
Ok, I think I now by now that Slider is nice. You've probaly watched Talk Shows before, and you might have noticed that the hosts aren't always so nice. Well this is to stirr things up, and it make it more interesting. Don't you think its boring when the host is so "Heartwarming and Kind" and the the special guest is the same? If you have been paying attention, I've been acting like this since the first episode of The Talk Show.
And yes, I know who you are, because you have been using this "Mystery" person to say comments like this all of the time.
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
Um... I was the one to say "NOT MOLLY!"
just to say thanks for making me a mod
i saw my name on the list just then!!!!!
Tigernat98,CPN mod
uhh frosty who is mystery!?
yeah lol some of the ppl who were on the chat at the time of the talk show know that I didnt say some of that stuff. MOST of its true like when he asked me the questions, those r the answers i gave. But i didnt say hi to my mum lol but i kno why frosty does that. Its to make it funnier and more interesting. lol
Well...! Drama as usual, and I loved the ads- just so funny!!!
It was sad to see Slider go, or anyone I think, but someone has to go, and thats the game. Good luck to contestants left in doing Blogger Battle!
Musicbubb (CPN Mod)
i love these talk shows lol :) ...... looks like slider dosent really like me :( o well dont worry dude i think u rock anyway :)
woops i 4got to put (CPN Mod) there soz
saavy (CPN Mod)
lol frosty alwasy makes the talk show intresting!
zxz it would hav been funy if u really shouted HI MOM! LOL!
Hedgehog 14~CPN MOD
I vote off... Bruen5. Sorry buddy but your not as good as you used to be.
ok finally 1 puffle vote..we need 2 more lol
Hedgehog14~CPN mod
lol i cant wait till the next task im sooo excited :)
saavy (CPN Mod)
i just looked at some of the old people :) they all rocked! i dont remember when snowbuddy got out?
saavy (CPN Mod)
same saavy the next challange should b lots of fun! and snowbuddy got voted off 2nd..
Hedgheog14~ CPN MOD
Hi Frostylittle! Just wanted to let you know i think your site is coming along very well!
I also wanted to tell you that i got a chat box on BP! I am trying to get more visitors to my site so if you have any advice, let me know!
OK, so let me get this straight. Frostylittle was always Frostylittle, and DaGamer was Frostybig, but pretended to be Frostylittle sometimes on chat. Mystery is still a mystery and Polar Amigo was on Gapboy's computer and then Gapboy beat up Polar Amigo. And Frostybig and Frosty big are 2 different people? And Agent is a mime?!?! And then DaGamer got kicked from chat because he said he was cooler then Frostylittle, and then DaGamer changed him chat name to Slider? And then I started screaming that it was the end of the world? LOL, what a day... what a day.
I vote off the useless Bob61732, sorry dude but im not a fan of looking at you naked on cp!
BY: Bruen5
yep penny thts baiscally wat happened..! and we need 1 more puffle vote 2 go...
Hedgehog 14~CPN Mod
I'm sorry but I vote off Bob because he was the one who betrayed us and made the deal with the Bunnnies.
~Molly222, Vice President of CPN
Bob is going home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry bob.
srry bob bye bye~
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