The Purple Puffles have forfitted the challenge, so that means the Beastly Bunnies are safe from elimination this week, and there is no challenge! For more information, see the comment Molly left on this post.
The last team challenge of the season is a Blogger Brawl. Each team will make a blog (it must be using the domain Blogger) and add as many cool effects to it. This includes adding sidebars, backgrounds, tabs at the top of the page and a cool banner that matches the blog's theme! Be creative and try to make your web site neat and easy to use. The one with the most interesting posts and awesome blog style will win and be crowned safe from elimination.
One member of each team must create the blog, invite all of the teamates and leave a comment with the blog address. This challenge will end on Saturday, so be sure to give your best effort all week! Like always, the losing team will be sent to the Penguin Award Ceremony and will be voting off a neighbor forever.
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
I'm sorry Frosty but we forfit the match, and I'm not afraid to tell you why. Bob tells me that Zxz and Hedgehog were going to purpuslly try to do their worst in this challenge, so they could lose. Than, they want to vote off Saavy because they were jealous of our alliance for some reason, but I'm not letting this happen!
not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
molly we not jelous of ur "allince" or watever u want 2 call it it just not very fair thnk u very much!
OMG? zxz? hedgehog? is this true? u guys would just back stab me for just ahving an alliance? im in shock! and hedgehog wants not fair? i dont think u even no waht the deal was, ok ill tell u wat it was
it was basically molly said i wont vote u off in any challange and u wont do the same to me, thats all it was and nothing much, and i dont think i would vote molly off anyway because shes a goot team mate............. im in SHOCK so excuse me... :(
omg dude BOBS idea he told us to!
i feel so back stabbed ................. :( :( :( :(
:( saavy plz chek ur twitter:(
Saavy, lets twitter back anf fourth. That will be easier ok?
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
Yeah this is why everyone hates bob. And it WAS his idea, he told hedge and she told me. And saavy, we heard u and molly had the alliance to help each other get to the final 2, which means we would have all gone out first. I didnt want to do it but if u were gonna let it happen to me first I had to do something. And bob, ur a bad guy and everyone wishes u werent in this challenge. Even frosty makes u out to be stupid in the talk shows. Ha!
mot to be mean but i agree with zxz!
-Slider94, CPC President
Hey can I sign up for Season 2 please my name is Daprankstar
Yours Waddling
ooh and i am stuck between the brains and outcast category lol
Yours Waddling
i wannna sign you for series 2 too!
Hey Frosty can isign up for season 2 also my name is Vote4grapes6 and i will cnsider myself an outcast.
zxz tht is exactly wat i was trying 2 say! SAAVY we r sooo sorry:(
Hedgheog 14~CPN Mod
ooh ohh can i join this one??
i wanna join series 2!!!
ok, you know what? bob started all this hullabaloo(or whatever) so since beastly bunnies are safe from elimination, just vote off bob and get rid of that guy. do you really want him to stay on your team?
yes ppl vote off bob look wat he does he doesnt even seem to like this competition!
bob sleep with ur eyes open im gonna get u.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
So bob. It seems you enjoy stirring things up and ruining friendships. So, because of this, I thought I would give you a treat. Because you like stirring and ruining friendships so much, and you enjoy making people look bad, I thought "Hey! Why dont I do that to bob! I mean, he does it so surely he wont mind?" Well here goes. When we were discussing the plan THAT BOB CAME UP WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE, he mentioned that he didnt want to vote off molly or bruen because they were 2 of his close friends. But then he said something about bruen that MUST mean that he isnt his friend at all. He said that he thought bruen was a jerk! Not very nice, im sure you will all agree. But then I found something else out! Bob, it seems, is several years older than bruen! So bob is calling someone years younger than himself a jerk! Wow, bob, thats low. Low even for your standards. So now im sure you can all tell bob exactly what you think of him. Im sure he will be willing to listen.
uhh bob i agree with zxz completely that is really low and mean. HOW MESSED UP R U?
LOL! That is wrong to call anyone a jerk. Bob needs to get out of the competition. No one has liked him from the start. He needs to go. No offense.
ok guys im better than before, this is the full story
well u all no after the challenge me and molly both went into her iggy and we both left comments on the other page to make a deal, molly firstly said "saavy lets make a deal, if i dont vote u off and if wee are both in the final 2 then vote for me to win" thats wat molly said, then i said wait, how bout i wont vote for u and u wont vote for me thats all the deal was that we would not go against each other, and even at the beginning of NS I TOLD ZXZ THAT I WOULD NEVER VOTE FOR HIM IN THE GAME EVEN IF IT WAS JUST ME AND HIM,I SAID 2 ZXZ AND I ALSO SAID TO HIM I HOPE THIS WONT RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP AND GUESS WAT, IT GOT RUINED, I WOULD NEVER VOTE 4 U Z CANT U SEE THAT, U ARE MY FAVE CP BUDDIE N ALL BUT I WOULD NOT JUST GET U BACK AND HURT U 4 NO REASON, u just wanted to stay in NS just like me so i would not just do my worst and vote me off cuz that really out of order and not fair, and u made an alliance as well saying that molly should not vote u off anyway for this challenge. and who told u that me and molly were going to eliminate u all so we could stay to the final 2? BECAUSE THAT IS A BIG LIE!! THAT WOULD BE SO SELFISH AND I WOULD NEVER HURT MY FRIENDS JUST TO WIN NS NO WAY MAN THATS NOT ME, people say that slider told u all that about me and molly getting to the final 2, its not true and to make things better i might as well cancel the alliance because of all that bob has caused to all of us, and how come hedgehog n zxz y did u listen to him in the 1st place? i would never expect u and hedgehog to just get me real bad like that n that really hurt me to be honest because i was not expecting it, and hedgehog i no ur really sorry but zxz u dont look as sorry as her because she has left me so many twitter messages n u have just sed ur sorry, it makes me feel that u just say sorry n its all ok with us 2, well it cant be can it z? because i need to start trusting u back if i accept ur forgiveness. that all i have to say right now, and yes its VERY LONG! :( :(
tht was long and now my eyes hurt i am sorry and i think bob needs to stop being a meany!
who is mystery and y r they yelling at new ppl??
well saavy, it looks like we probably wont be friends anymore then (or at least for a while) because I explained myself and said srry but its not enough. But i guess thats life and we just gotta get on with it, at least until u start trustin me again which probably wont be for a while, if not ever but thats ok I kno i deserve it
see what you did bob!
bob, YOUR the jerk! Noboody really thinks u should even be in the competition! your low mean kerk and a horrible NS person! just go away!and stop making people crazy!
-The Maggums
see bob? Everybody thinks your horrible, mean and twisted. Its not just me. What you did was wrong and uncalled for. There was NO REASON for you to do what you did, it wasnt like I had mortally offended you or anything. I had NEVER been mean or rude to you. So when you go out of NS, I WONT be at your talk show. But if I am, I will go just to throw snowballs at you and put you on my ignore list! Ha!
go ZXZ! woot!
BOB started ALL this. the purple puffles SHOULD vote him off. then again, there's only 2 puffles left. question for puffles: do u want a liar on ur team, or only two purple puffles? think about it.
The rly weird thing is, EVERYONE hates bob, EXCEPT bruen for some reason. and bob DIDNT get voted off. instead the awesome ppl were. lets get this over with bob already! its time to leave!! he lies, in most of the challenges he just stays there, hes boring and mean! if you dont vote him off, well do you want him to in ns?
well its bobs fault zxz192s fault n hedgehogs aswell, bob 4 lying n zxz192 and hedgehog for listening to bob, ur all so mean, zxz192 i cant believe your a mimo mod u dont deserve to if you would do that! :@
anonymous ur absoultely right. ALthough I deserve to be a mimo mod because that has nothing to do with plans and stuff. I didnt mean to be mean, but everyone has gotta understand this. I-DID-NOT-WANT-TO-DO-IT-BUT-I-THOUGHT-I-HAD-NO-CHOICE. Is that all clear now? I hope so because im srry for what i did and i dont want to be hated
Ok I just want to publicly apologise to saavy, and everyone else i hurt or offended (apart from bob), I really didnt mean for all this to get out of hand, I feel bad for what I did and I want to say sorry for all the hurt and stuff I caused everyone. I really dont want to be hated or disliked but after what I did, its is obviously what I deserve. So nobody has to forgive me, nobody has to like me again just because I said this. You are all entitled to your opinions. I just want to say Im sorry and I never meant for anything like this to happen.
Could I plllleeeaasssseeee join NS next season?
I luv yr site and id luv to be part of the action!!!
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