Gapboy plays with his pokemon toys... Agent cheers in his cheerleader uniform... Polar Amigo eats his BBQ chips... It was the sixth episode of the Talk Show, and things were more dramatic than ever.
A large flat screen TV flew down from the ceiling, with the words "The Talk Show Episode 6!" on it. Polar Amigo runs out of the room looking for popcorn backstage, and the show begins.
Frosty and Lil Mock run onto stage, smirking an waving to the audience. Frostylittle takes a seat, flips his hair and winks at the audience. The audience screams with joy and reaches onto the stage trying to touch Frosty and his replacement co-host.
Frostylittle: Welcome to the sixth episode of the Talk Show! I'm Frostylittle, a dude with a great body and awesome hair. Today I'm here with Lil Mock 11, the third evicted from Neighborhood Survival. Say hi to the audience Lil Mock!
Lil Mock looks out to the large crowd, and with a little stage fright waves.
Lil Mock 11: Aaah... Hi audience!
The audience laughs and cheer on for the show to start.
Frostylittle: Today we have the youngest member of Neighborhood Survival. This little dude happens to be my brother, and hes only six! Please welcome in...
Frostylittle looks over to Lil Mock.
Lil Mock 11: GAPBOY999! WOOT!
As the audience claps, a pokeball flies down from the cold ceiling. It hits and ground hardly and a huge puff of smoke covers the stage. Frosty and Lil Mock cough, and Gapboy emerges from the shadows of the fog.
Frostylittle: COUGH! COUGH! Wow... What an entrance! HELLO GAPBOY!!!!
The audience stands to their feet and screams for the short kid, and he high fives Lil Mock.
Lil Mock 11: Alright Gapboy, our first question for you is...
Frostylittle gets gets a little jealous of Lil Mock taking the limelight, so he cuts him off.
Frostylittle: Why do you like Pokemon so much?
Lil Mock gives look.
Gapboy: Cause...
Gapboy starts the day dream.
Lil Mock: Gapboy! Wake up little guy!
Gapboy wakes up from his two second nap, and looks over to the door. There was no security, so nothing could stop him from...
Gapboy999: POKEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!
He leaps off his chair and pushes Frosty and Lil Mock out of the way. He jumps off the stage and runs to the exit, holding up a pokeball. Zxz192, Penny, Da Gamer and Mathew chase after him. Frosty, Lil Mock and the entire audience sit jaw~dropped, not able to understand what just happened.
Frostylittle: Ya... Um...
Frosty looks over to Lil Mock.
Lil Mock 11: Hey, its your show!
Lil Mock walks off to the backstage set.
Frostylittle: Um, what know?
Polar Amigo runs onto the stage, carrying abut a hundred bags of popcorn.
Frosty rolls his eyes.
Frostylittle: Ok, good for you...
Polar Amigo drops the popcorn.
Polar Amigo: I have an idea! WE CAN WATCH A MOVIE!!!!
The entire audience cheers.
Frosty grins.
Frostylittle: But, I can't find the remote for this TV.
The audience sighs.
The audience: Aw...
Polar Amigo pulls a remote out of his pocket.
Polar Amigo: OH! OH! I HAVE A REMOTE! I bring one with me EVERY WHERE! I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF TV!!! YES!
The audience claps.
Frostylittle: But... So... Ok fine! Lets rent a movie!
The audience starts cheering and gets comftably as Polar hands out popcorn.
Polar Amigo: OH! Lets rent What Happens in Yeti! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
Frosty shrugs.
Frostylittle: Thats fine with me!
He reaches for a handfull of popcorn and the show ends.
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
lol its not much of a talk show. although it WAS live. lol gap started runnin round the island to play tag and stuff we were all chasin him. and then we had a dance party and then i lost him and i logged off lol
hey that was fun frosty we should do that again sometime, partner!
LOL! What was gapboy doing? He was running all around playing tag and then ran to Da Gamer's igloo and started a dance party! LOL! What a show!!
This week is scary. There are too many deals going on between Puffles and Bunnies. People will do whatever it takes to win.
Puffles, WE MUST MUST MUST WIN! We can't afford another lose or we'll be in trouble! Be sure to get there an hour early so we can practice against each other! Lets show those Bunnies our true colors!
WOW. That was something I call dramatic!!!
I wasn't there to actually witness it but it must have been wicked!!!
Gapboy running off, pokemon and popcorn everywhere, what a hectic but suuuper talk show!!!
hey frosty! i was on the server and i was tryna go into ur iggy but u didden topen it on the map :( o well dont worrry lol and i sent matt and zxz some psotcards saying lets hang out but they diddent come either n all i wanted to say was tell frosty to open igy, n thanks polaer for telling frosty woot lol n soz 4 not staying there for tooo long i was there then my pc froze, i have no idea y this happens to me :(
saavy (CPN Mod)
No problem Saavy, the reason I didn't open my igloo was because I dont really want random people coming in.
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
Rock it i love your ideas i like these talk show sorry by not comming my mother say i need to go to a place hey rock it you knoo that there is acheat to not have a name lol i will post it on my blog.
frosty saavy here! sorry im late open ur igloo!
plz open it i dont want to let the bunnies down!
i beg u have a break! plz frosty im sorry im late and soz bunnies 4 being late! plz oppen ur igloo :-(
o no i just herd frm bob that puffles won :( is he right??
whats a rinch?
it loooks like someone was aruging! well im bak! but y hav so many comments been removed?
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