The staff jelled his hair... The staff cleaned his face... The staff shined his sunglasses...
Frostylittle was ready for The Talk Show!
He walked onto the stage winking and waving at the over excited crowd, and hi-fived the front row. He sat on the purple, comfy chair and smirked, ready to begin.
Frostylittle: Hello people of Club Penguin Neighborhood! I'm Frostylittle, President of CPN and host of this very show!
He looked out to the audience and noticed that there were a lot more people than usual.
Frostylittle: Today we have a very special guest. One you may call little, or one you may mock the entire show. Please welcome to the stands... LIL MOCK!!!!!!!
The audience stood to their feet and cheered on the latest evicted neighbor. Lil Mock ran out from behind stage and like Frosty, hi-fived the front row of the crowd. He sadly took a seat on the Seat of Shame, and was ready to begin.
Frostylittle: What up my brother from another mother!
They both exchanged some kind of hand shake and smirked.
Frostylittle: How are you this fine day?
Lil Mock laughed.
Lil Mock: I'm doing great Frosty! I just can't get over this fame!
Frosty nodded.
Frostylittle: Welcome to my world! Now, shall we begin?
Lil Mock agreed.
Lil Mock: That's why I'm here!
Frostylittle smirked.
Frostylittle smirked.
Frostylittle: How do you fell to be sitting in the Seat of Shame? Is it comfortable?
Lil Mock shrugged.
Lil Mock: I feel surprised! Everyone knows I was the second best player!
Frostylittle makes a confused look.
Frostylittle makes a confused look.
Frostylittle: I guess... Did you ever think you would be the third voted off NS?
Lil Mock made a grudging look.
Lil Mock: No, definitely not. I thought I would've been in the final three or something big, not 3rd voted off!
Frosty laughs.
Frostylittle: Expect the unexpected! I know this is kinda a weird question, but whats with the "LICK MY BUTT!" thing? It was funny to me but not your teamates!
Lil Mock shrugged again.
Lil Mock: Guess I got a little angry, I was mad because ol' pal slider94 voted me over Saavy. He may be known as a very old penguin, but i had the most experience on cp here on my other penguin who is like 1,240 days old!
Frosty nodded.
Frostylittle: If you weren't evicted, who do you think would?
Lil Mock thought for a moment than answered.
Lil Mock: Saavy. Not to be mean but he was our bottom placer in best to worst...
Frosty's expression determined he wasn't fully agreeing with him.
Frostylittle: Um, ok... What are you going to do now?
Lil Mock leaned forward.
Lil Mock: Im just gonna chill and be one of the people like Himskater and Sebastian7. Then I'll probably gain my rank back for cpg mods on mimo's site, and make more videos on youtube more often.
Frosty smirks.
Frostylittle: That sounds like a sweet life style! Now, I would really like this next answer to be truthfull. Has NS changed you in any way?
Lil Mock leans back.
Lil Mock: Yah! I gained confidence and loyalty something I needed for a while.
Frostylittle leans back too.
Frostylittle: Cool! Who do you want to win Neighborhood Survival?
Lil Mock quickly anwsers.
Lil Mock: Well Outta! He almost saved me from getting voted off and hes the best! Woot!
Frostylittle smiles.
Frostylittle: Nice! Now its time for another new feature of The Talk Show I like to call "What The Regulars Think!"
The audience claps with excitment.
Frostylittle: In this feature, the VP of CPN Molly222, will interview a few random penguins out on the streets what they think of Lil Mock! We can to watch this life from this sweet flat screen TV! Lets meet up with Molly222!
The curtains unroll revealing the already turned on TV. In it, Molly222 is in a rain jacket out a busy city street on the server Mammoth. Molly222 waves.
Molly222: Molly222 here! Right now, its a rainy, windy, miserable day on the streets of the Mammoth. Next to me is a CPN member you guys probably all know, Polar Amigo!
Polar Amigo pushes Molly222 out of the way and flexes the little muscle he has.
Polar Amigo: POLAR AMIGO IS IN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!! Whats up?
Molly222 makes room for herself.
Molly222: We're asking you, what you think of this Lil Mock guy? Do you like him or hate him?
Polar Amigo laughs.
Polar Amigo: I HATE 'em! The guy is so full of himself and thinks hes number one. Well everyone knows I'm the best! BOYA!
Molly gives him a strange look.
Molly222: Ok... Lets move on the next penguin!
She pushes Polar Amigo out of the way and invites in a penguin named Bytra.
She pushes Polar Amigo out of the way and invites in a penguin named Bytra.
Bytra waves.
Molly222: Hi Bytra! You Frostylittle's buddy right?
She nods.
Bytra: Yah, I've known him since he the beginning. He is a pretty cool guy.
Molly222 smiles.
Molly222: What do YOU think of Lil Mock?
Bytra thinks for a momment and answers.
Bytra: He's a good competitor and I thought he was going to last longer. But like Uncle Sonic said when he was at The Talk Show, somebody has to go.
Molly222 nods.
Mollly222: Good point! Well that ends the newest segment on The Talk Show. Thanks for having me Frosty!
Bytra and Molly both wave to the camera.
Frostylittle: Well that wraps up the end of the show! Thanks everyone for showing up! Remember to tune in next time on....
Frostylittle points to the audience.
Audience: THE TALK SHOW!!!!!! WOOT!!!!
Frosty, Lil Mock Molly222 and Bytra (Who are still shown on the camera) wave the audience.
Frostylittle: PEACE!
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! i was not really the bottom player was i? i no i was not, it was somebody else, im sure it was. o well it dosent really matter. soz i was gonna come to the talk show but i diddent no wen and were it was but thanks 2 hedgehog i new that it was on tuxedo :) thanks again.
Sorry i missed the talk show but my dad was running a marathon (NOT LYING)and mum said i had to watch!
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