Hello Beastly Bunnies, and welcome to your second Penguin Award Ceremony as a team. Last time, you lost the tough Lil Mock, but this time your going to lose an even tougher competitor. All of you are considered the best competitors, but sometimes being a strong player isn't always an advantage. Compared to the Puffles who work together great, you guys aren't the best team. Zxz192 and Saavy, you guys work together great. But do you with your other fellow teamates? Hedgehog, Slider, you two also work together well. That leaves Outtacntrll, the strongest competitor in Neighborhood Survival to be the lone wolf of the Beastly Bunnies...
So the first penguin award goes to, Hedgehog!
Saavy and Zxz, you guys get one too!
That leaves Outtacntrll and Slider94. You two are very close friends outside of Neighborhood Survival, but inside things are different. One of you will be leaving NS forever, never to return to the Neighborhood again.
The LAST penguin award of the day goes to...
Slider's eyes widden. Outta grins.
Slider94, you are save from elimination, for now!
That means that Outtacntrll, considered by many as the toughest competitor in Neighborhood Survival is shockingly the sixth evicted. This tough penguin set a record of winning two challenges in a row, which may be hard to beat. This truely shows that team work is the current ticket in winning challenges. Since Outta was the team captian, the Bunnies now have to elect a new one. So Beastly Bunnies, leave a comment voting who you want as your new team captian.
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. Since its going to be a very busy week ahead of me, I'll have to post Da Gamer's Talk Show on Tuesday.
im sorry slider for voting for you, the only reason y i did was because i did not have alot of time because i went to sleep over at my cousins house and there computer dont work so i was panicking and i just voted for you, so im sorry for voting for you, i was going to vote for outta because he is the team captain and he diddent really do alot of work i think because like on the party challenge he diddent even make an invite! he was supposed to not me lol, so anyways i vote for my best buddy zxz to become the team captain for the beastly bunnies AND WOAAAAAAAAH! longest ever post! :)
lol thats ok saavy :) I vote Hedgehog for the new captian! You deserve it! You came to all the team meetings! And you help the team when u can :)
-Slider94, CPC President
ok im gonna vote saavy for team captain. But this is mainly because i have no idea who should be lol. but i think he deserves it
aww thanks zxz, hedgehog needs to decide then we will have a new team captain soon :) i cant wait!
the capitans all tied upp.. so im gonna go wit zxz beause he does pretty good and hes responsible. i mite hav voted slider but he has no votes and thn thy would b tied up so ZXZ sounds like the new capitan!
CONGRATS! ZXZ! You were my next choice! We will still have the meeting at my site right?
-Slider94, CPC President
wow ME team captain?? Yeah team meetings will still be at ur site slider. Thanks saavy and hedgehog for voting for me and thanks slider for sayin i was second choice and congratulating me lol
totally u will do awesome:P!!!!!
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