After almost a complete hour and a half of battling, the Purple Puffles finally pulled threw and won for the second time ever. 
Gapboy999 was the first to be found by Saavy and Zxz192. He was hiding outside of the Mine, right underneath the the blue bar that allows penguins to talk. If you look closely, you can see the tip of his hat less head. He didn't seem to mind getting tagged out, and went directly to my igloo.

Slider94 was the first penguin to be found by Molly222 and Bruen5. He was hiding inside the Mine, and like Gapboy was under the blue bar. However, you could hardly see the tip of his head which made his hiding spot extra hard. He was some what sad he got out, but played fairly and went back to my igloo.

Outtacntrll was the only hider who hopped from room to room. He was seen is the Book Room, the Stage, the Soccer Pitch and possibly in the Pool room. He usually hid under the talking bar or behind an object in the room that hide him completely, like a tree. He was "found" by Molly, but since there was a glitch in club penguin, it seemed like he was standing in the middle of the Soccer Pitch but he was actually behind a tree.
Bob was shockingly the only hider who was not found. He was hiding in the Box Dimension, in the very corner of the room. Saavy and Zxz never expected this and were both aggravated with themselves. He truely took victory for the Puffles.

Gapboy999 was the first to be found by Saavy and Zxz192. He was hiding outside of the Mine, right underneath the the blue bar that allows penguins to talk. If you look closely, you can see the tip of his hat less head. He didn't seem to mind getting tagged out, and went directly to my igloo.

Slider94 was the first penguin to be found by Molly222 and Bruen5. He was hiding inside the Mine, and like Gapboy was under the blue bar. However, you could hardly see the tip of his head which made his hiding spot extra hard. He was some what sad he got out, but played fairly and went back to my igloo.

Outtacntrll was the only hider who hopped from room to room. He was seen is the Book Room, the Stage, the Soccer Pitch and possibly in the Pool room. He usually hid under the talking bar or behind an object in the room that hide him completely, like a tree. He was "found" by Molly, but since there was a glitch in club penguin, it seemed like he was standing in the middle of the Soccer Pitch but he was actually behind a tree.

Bob was shockingly the only hider who was not found. He was hiding in the Box Dimension, in the very corner of the room. Saavy and Zxz never expected this and were both aggravated with themselves. He truely took victory for the Puffles.
But because of the glitch that happened to Outta, the Bunnies demanded a tie breaker. So, each team had to chose one competitor who would face the other in Sled Racing and Card Jitsu. The Bunnies chose Outtacntrll, and Bob demanded that he would play. In the end Bob defeated Outta in both Sled Racing and Card Jitsu, which was the real key to winning.
So Bunnies, who do you vote off Neighborhood Survival?
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
ok this is gonna be really hard to choose someone to vote off. And im really, really sorry about this, i really am, but I vote slider. Hedgehog knew she couldnt be there and went out of her way to tell all the beastly bunnies that she couldnt make it and she said sorry. So slider, im so sorry, but i have to vote someone :( this is getting really hard to vote for people
urgh i hav to think! i dont like voting ppl off!
lol same here!This is really something I need to take my time on! (haha) All I know is hedgehogissafe for me!
i dont like voting any1 off, this is the hardest part of ns, hmmmmm, well i cant vote for hedge hog because she told us that she could not make it, i cant vote off zxz because we were working as a team and hes my best friend, n from outta and slider........... its a hard decision..... but im so sorry, ill have to vote off slider94 this time, im sorry.
-The Maggums
if i were u would vote off outta srry dude but u got angry and u went from spot to spot which kinda means ur cheating. NOO DONT VOTE OFF SLIDER! he had like the best hiding pace!
hey can i be a mod kyo100 ok bye and good luck having cadance background lol bye =]
well then the maggums, who DOES deserve it?? In everyones eyes, this is a hard vote. whoever I vote, there are gonna be consequenses where ppl get annoyed. everyone has their own fans. besides i dont really deserve it because i found gapboy and sent him to jail then i combed the island looking for bob. and remember in the comment where i voted, i said i was really sorry. Besides, slider seems to have taken it well. Which is the sign of a good person. sorry again slider
Thats okay! Im just glad I made it this far! But who knows! I might not be out! And I KNOW this is a hard vote I am still deciding ZXZ I think you did a GREAT job!
Well zxz I didnt really mean to put you there but Outta doesnt seem to be doing well as captian and i have NO IDEA what saavy is doing!
-The Maggums
thanks slider. And yeah, you might not be out. U, hedgehog and outta have to vote yet. Hey, it might be me who is sitting on that sofa next wednesday. Who knows, this is anybodys game. and dont worry the maggums, u have a right to have an opinion ;)
urgh this too hard
Uhm i know that i wasnt there and i am very sorry for tht i told all of you and left comments on your allz blogs. Well anyway, it sounds like saavy and zxz did a pretty good job. Slider had a good hiding spot too. This leaves one person, outta. Uhmmmmm it sounds like you were found pretty fast, and even though it not your fault, when you battled bob for a tie breaker you lost both. So im saying this very sadly, but outta, i vote you.
ok I am changing my vote! I have thought whats best for the team, and maybe im right maybe im wrong. I am changing my vote to OUTTA! Dude, after the challenge, you got way too angry and i think most of us had acepted that we lost fair and square. and u dont seem to be working as a team with us. And even though i hold a lot of respect for u, and think ur a cool guy, im not that close to u and i dont kno u that well. So my vote is OUTTACNTRLL!!!
ok :( i think it has been established that this was the hardest vote of them all! I am not going to vote hedgehog because she told everyone like twice she couldnt make it. Zxz works really hard and is calm, a great team player! That leaves Saavy and Outta :( 2 cool guys... But im gonna vote Outta! Sorry dude i know your by bud and all but i dont think you took the losing too well and i understand the card jitsu is just luck but bob beat you in sled racing too! Savvy tried hid hardest finding ppl too! Sorry bud/captian "Somebody had to go" :(
-Slider94, CPC President
i want icecream
Okay... first of all juh... moving from spot to spot is not cheating. It says nowhere in the rules that you can no move. It's not hide and go seek. Secondly, I think it's good to get angry sometimes, I was fighting for what I believed in. And I don't regret it. But Frosty has the final say in who wins. And I respect his decision. I don't think I deserve to get eliminated for this. After all I won the first few challenges. Isn't this competition based on whos the best since when is this a profiling compition, who has the better personality? Sorry, but I'm going to have to vote off Slider.
Okay... first of all juh... moving from spot to spot is not cheating. It says nowhere in the rules that you can no move. It's not hide and go seek. Secondly, I think it's good to get angry sometimes, I was fighting for what I believed in. And I don't regret it. But Frosty has the final say in who wins. And I respect his decision. I don't think I deserve to get eliminated for this. After all I won the first few challenges. Isn't this competition based on whos the best since when is this a profiling compition, who has the better personality? Sorry, but I'm going to have to vote off Slider.
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