Bumbleface won the Neighborhood Survival challenge and has decided to take Matbolabc to the Final 2!
No matter what happens, Neighborhood Survival has created friendships that will last a lifetime! Everyone is destined to leave this Club Penguin Island at some point. We will all have to go our separate ways, and many of us will never speak again... But wait, what about the memories? Do the fun times disappear from our thoughts? Will we forget the friends who accepted us? This moment and every other moment spent on Club Penguin will never be forgotten by any of us!

"Everyone else is proud of me... Why aren't I proud of myself?"
•Penny Mickey: Penny Mickey is cheerful genius who describes herself as an "outcast". She drools over the idea of attending Harvard college, and she hates anything involved with Gym class! Can little Ms. Mickey replace Abraham Lincoln's face on the penny?
When you put so much heart and energy into a single activity, falling down becomes jumping off a cliff. Penny Mickey was an animal loving slaughterhouse throughout Neighborhood Survival! She had a passion that pushed her to the top of the charts in every competition. Penny claims to be an outcast in the real world, but online she is a popular queen! She needs to learn how to express herself outside of the computer and earn respect from her peers... Penny Mickey is sadly evicted from Neighborhood Survival!
Any last words to our dear friend?
~Frostylittle, President of Club Penguin Neighborhood
penny... uve been my fav person on this site;)
Penny you fought your heart out all season long... You are so dedicated and such a sweet person... Your an amazing friend and this season wouldn't be the same without you... I love ya and I hope that you get a shot to win in Story-book's relaunch (if it happens) You're amazing.. Love you.
Friendship > Competition
Well done, Penny!
This means that if you get in the next seasons you have a good chance in them too ;)
Au revoir
-Cammycam09, French sensation ;)
That's probably the first thing that came to my mind when Bumble said she was evicting me. Honestly, I don't remember much after that. My body went numb, tears started falling, and I couldn't speak or type. To be honest, it really hurt. It was like STABSTABSTAB in my heart. I spent 6-7 hours on this challenge, and then hearing the Entourage and Frosty criticize it probably didn't help either. I felt... worthless.
I kind of went into this angry rampage, and a series of tweets and a post on my site entered the universe. Not good. In my head, I needed to get out the frustration. My best friend voted me off? To me it was like "Your friendship isn't worth a dime to me." And before I know the three of us hugged and said no matter what, we'd still be friends. But it felt different when it really happened. At first, I did tell myself I'd never talk to her again. That's the stupidiest thing to say.
Back on chat, everyone was telling me good job on chat and that I should be proud. But I couldn't listen to them. I didn't believe them. Why should I be proud? What have I done that's so great? I got voted off. I'm nothing special. I'm no one. To be honest, the thought "I don't even deserve to be alive" crossed my mind. On chat, I didn't speak. They thought I left, and the first thing I said was "nahh im here". I felt like a waste of space... I left chat for a while and then came back later.
When I came back, I entered a few PC conversations. For some reason, I didn't hold back, and I spilled out all my emotions. Some people said some things to me about why I should be proud, and these are some.
1. I was willing to sacrifice myself for another to let Mat back in, and eventually win, CpSkool Season 1.
2. Without me, the rest of the CpSkool seasons probably wouldn't have happened.
3. I'm such a sweet person to everyone
4. I'm very dedicated to whatever I do
5. Out of 53 (I think it's 53) people, I was voted Best CpSkooler
6. Every time I come on chat, I make people smile and laugh
7. I did make it to the Final 3 of NS
8. I'm a true friend, and many people love me
9. I'm a favorite person online of many
10. I've gotten 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in a gameshow. That's the most consistant average of anyone. (Maybe eventually we can add a 1st to that?) (;
That's 10 things people told me afterwards. And then I thought "I am so valuable. I am worth it. I AM a winner." And guess what? I'm proud for once.
Bumble had left crying earlier, and I felt very guilty. She hadn't done anything wrong. She did what she thought was the best strategy to win. I tweeted her, and she came on. I talked to her in PC... and she said some very nice things to me that I will always remember. Bumble's still a wristwatch, but you know, wristwatches are pretty cool. Especially those slap on ones. (;
Right after she evicted me, I doubted that she was a true friend of mine. I don't doubt it one bit now. Bumble IS a true friend, and to me this has made our friendship stronger. I love you very much Bumble. (:
Someone wrote a very nice comment to me on my blog, and it touched me very much. They called themself "Gemstone Writer", and I don't know who they are. But they said "You are probably one of my favorite people online", so that makes me think I actually do know them. So if you're reading this, then thank you. (:
In a way, I feel this eviction has made me stronger. I've discovered what people truly think of me, and I realized a lot of people actually think very highly of me. It feels good. I never wanted to win for the memberships, I wanted to win to feel powerful. But I realized, I already AM powerful. (:
Eviction games are nice, but friends are what truly matters.
Btw, you haven't heard the last of Penny Mickey in any eviction games. SO FROSTY, YOU BEST LET PENNY IN MORE SEASONS. DON'T MAKE HER CRY AGAIN! (:
~Penny "Always Gangsta" Mickey
Btw, I split that into 2 comments because apparently comments can only be 4,096 characters. I said "POOP ON THAT!"
~Penny "Da Gangsta" Mickey
P.S. I wish the best of luck to both Mat and Bumble in the final challenge. I love you both very much. <3
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