The first Part of the challenge was a Twitter Test. I asked around 10 questions, and who ever got five right first won and moved onto the third round. Saavy started out strong, taking the league fast with Molly following behind him. Zxz had a few computer problems, and there for couldn't answer many of the questions at the begining. Towards the end however, Zxz started getting a winning streek and tied with Molly four to four. However Molly answered the last and hardest question right and moved on to round three.
The second part of the challenge was a Soccer Game. Zxz192 faced off against Saavy, in an epic attempt to move on with Molly to round three. Saavy started out by getting a large amout of goals, but Zxz quickly regained his points and almost defeated Saavy. However, Saavy manghed to get two more goals and won this part, and was supposed to move on to round three. But since he had to go, he would need a replacement for the final round against Molly222.
In the final round, Juh76 replaced Saavy and played off against Molly in a Dodgeball game held at the Soccer Field. Juh quickly struck into action and hit Molly a few times at the begining, but than she starting getting him back. Once Molly took the league, she started regaining her convidence and was able to defeat Juh76. She there for placed her self in the final 2, and can now pick one person to bring with her. Who will it be?
Huge Change to the cast of Hollywood Survival coming soon...
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. I've noticed that one of the sites I advertise has been starting to copy this site greatly, and its not anything about tabs because a lot of people have those. He/She copied a few lines from our Banner, and if he/she does not change this with in a week, I may have to shut down their site, since we do have Official copyright and Trackers placed on our pictures.
oo who is that?!?? n congrats mollly! good try saavy and zxz!!
Hedgehog 14~CPN MOD
to get it straight i said crap in chat (im sorry i had 2 kinda) yes that is true. I ONLY DID THAT CAUSE I ALMOST RUINED MY SITE AND THANK U VERY MUCH I THOUT IT WAS NESSESAYR CAUSE I ALMOST KILLED MY SITE! so plz dont be mad any1 and i dont think crap is that bad if i offended any1 im sorry. oo and if u wondering i kind of fixed my site im still fixin it lol. WELL NOW U KNO WY I SAID TAHT IN CHAT n dont ban me plz plz.
Well in my book crap isn't a swear or bad word, so you are allowed to say it!
~Frostylittle, President of CPN
GO MOLLY! i wonder who you will pick i say pick saavy because if you pick zxz192 you will loose so badly by zxz192 you will be smashed by him if you pick saavy you have alot of chances of winning between you and saavy but you can choose who to put through with you i say saavy
a molly supporter
Good job Molly! And good luck Saavy and Zxz! I can't wait until the HS update! :) :) And I wish people would realize that they have to come up with there own ideas... :(
lol a molly supporter, molly wont necessarily be smashed by me. Like, I came 3rd in this challenge lol i did really bad. But im not sure there is a challenge next week because frosty was like "the winner of the last NS challenge is..." and stuff, so i tink ppl just vote for the winner? And me and saavy are both really popular so i kinda think that its who she likes better rather than who she can beat, seeing as it doesnt sound like theres a challenge next week
there no challange nxt week?
Can't wait for today's post!!!!
So there's gonna be no challenge next week? How is the winner gonna be decided? Exciting times!
I'm hungry.
Tigernat98 CPN mod
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