Saturday, November 5, 2011

Death 1: Andre aka Ty Waddles

"Frosty, is that you?"

I open my eyes and find myself laying on the greasy bathroom floor. There's this awful stench floating permanently through the air. My body is so tired and I cannot remember anything. These words keep echoing through my mind, quotes from internet dwellers. I have to stop thinking about Club Penguin.

I jump to my feet and brush off my dusty adidas shorts. This floor is clearly unsanitary and the last thing I want is a juicy pimple on my forehead. I slowly walk over to the sink, turn on some warm water and splash my face clean. Damn, who's that good looking guy in the mirror? I know not everyone feels the same way, but I am really happy with how I look. I have worked hard on this body, and I deserve to enjoy my reflection.

The door slams open once again and in walks the dude with the spiky blonde hair. This guy looks like he's under the weather. He drags his feet over to another sink and blankly stairs into the mirror. Man, I can tell that he hates his reflection. Maybe he should try working out a little bit? Whatever, I should not be telling a random dude how to live his life. I hate people like that.

I turn my head towards him and say, "What's up?" There's a good chance that he might know why I blanked out. He does not flinch a muscle in his body. What's his problem? I was just trying to make conversation. There's something about this guy that I cannot quite understand. He seems different, and I am not saying that there's anything wrong with being different. It's just that... He looks like the type of person who does not get enough sunlight.

The dude turns to me stiffly. There's so much anger in his eyes. For no apparent reason, he throws a fist towards my face. I manage to catch it. I do not want to punch him back. There is obviously something wrong with him, and I do not want to hurt him.

He mumbles softly, "Frosty... I will not stand for my friends being called jerks." He starts staggering back and fourth uneasily. He unzips his hoodie and tosses it to the ground.  He swings another fist at me and completely misses. The skin on his arms are so pale.

"How did you find me?" The boy looks at me with such a terrified face. It's as if I revealed his biggest secret to the world. He falls on his butt and dizzily looks up at me. The boy starts bawling.

"I'm Andre, from Club Penguin." He proclaimed, "You've hurt so many people Frosty... I wanted to set you straight. I came here with the intention of killing you. That's what my friends wanted me to do." Andre pulls out a container of needles and points to a wound on my left arm. He drops the container and falls back on his head.

Andre stops breathing. His body dissolves into computer pixels, and his tears evaporite into a thick orange smoke. I fall to the ground. My vision becomes blurry, and my body dissolves slowly. I let out a final scream and my mind completely blanks out.

I wake up on a toilet seat, holding a beat up notebook and a mechanical pencil.

~Frostylittle, President of Club Penguin Neighborhood


  1. Aww sorry yo got out first Andre.

    But I had lots of fun helping out this challenge, it ended up being really fun (:


  2. What happened where was i sposed to vote what im confused sorry i couldnt make it 12pm on saturday is really unconveinient for me and i was out from 9am-5:30pm my time so yer can somebody explain to me what happened.

    ~Wii~ first challenge missed being a competetor :(

  3. plus the time is really really unconvienient for me can you put it back to 8est like last season plus i have daylight savings so the time so it puts me forward an hour so im another hour ahead of you guys.


  4. Yeah see wii you werent supposed to vote...thats part of the thing. And frosty, if you have time to check comments, you certainly have time to check the email i sent you.

  5. Andy :(

    You definitely deserved your spot in this challenge and from the pics, it looks like you did awesome. Must've been a close challenge?


  6. Aww im sorry andrees!!

    Sorry I couldnt make it everyone! I hope the challenge went well! We lost in semis, unfortunately:( but its okay cuz we won our lacrosse tournament today!!



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